Thursday, October 27, 2016

Plant Nutrition

Plant nutrients are chemical elements that are essential for plant growth and reproduction.. For an element to be essential, it must be required for a plant to complete its life cycle, it must be required by all plants, and no other nutrient can replace this requirement fully. If an element does not meet all of these requirements,
for example, being required by some plants or only enhancing the growth of plants, the
element may be a beneficial element. Much interest in plant nutrition lies in the development and
use of diagnostic techniques for assessment of the status of plants with respect to plant nutrients and
beneficial elements.
A plant nutrient is a chemical element that is essential for plant growth  Essential
element is a term often used to identify a plant nutrient. The term nutrient implies essentiality, so it
is redundant to call these elements essential nutrients. Commonly, for an element to be a nutrient,
it must fit certain criteria. The principal criterion is that the element must be required for a plant to
complete its life cycle. The second criterion is that no other element substitutes fully for the element
being considered as a nutrient. The third criterion is that all plants require the element. All the
elements that have been identified as plant nutrients, however, do not fully meet these criteria, so,
some debate occurs regarding the standards for classifying an element as a plant nutrient. Issues
related to the identification of new nutrients are addressed below (click)

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